Our products

All of our products are without irrigation, meaning they rely directly on their environment to get the water they need to grow, such as the scarce rain and precious mist.

Our cultivation without irrigation results in more concentrated fruit and more flavor and nutrients. If you are looking for an ingredient to make your dishes extra delicious and with more personality, we have what you need.

This is our first year of harvest and we are very excited to introduce you to the following foods!!!


Variety: arbequina
Sizes: 250ml - 500ml

Size 2L Sold Out!

Small scale production
Harvest 2022/23

Order at

Tel. / Whatsapp 679 92 61 40


Sweet Catalan onion

(something between sweet onion and leek)

Calçots from dryland farming:
less water, more flavour!

Grown from ecologic seed

The must-eat veggie for the
Catalan Calçotada.

Small scale production

Order at

Tel. / Whatsapp 679 92 61 40

5,95€ 25units


Grown with seed from the garlic of Belltall,
Local garlic variety with specific properties linked to the local weather

Grown in our farm in Espluga de Francolí and at test field in Belltall (find more info in LINKS)

From July!


Ancient varieties

Grain / Flour

Because of the drought we didn't have any harvest in 2023


Varieties: Marcona i Llargueta

From October!


From November!

Lligams Orgànics is a small-scale project, committed to local agriculture and direct sales.

If you want to purchase or taste any of our products, you can always come and see us at l'Espluga de Francolí (prior notice) or, if that's not possible, contact us and we'll look for the best way to get them to you.



Tel. / Whatsapp: 679 92 61 40 (Sven)

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @lligamsorganics