The experiences

Lligams Orgànics is a small-scale agro-ecological and cultural project that recovers the link between people, the land and its food.

As part of the ecosystem that we are, it is very difficult for us to conceive life without taking into account our environment: people, nature and what we eat. That is why, through the pillars of agriculture and culture, we invite you to come to Lligams Orgànics, to experience first-hand our day-to-day life and to reflect on our interrelationship with the ecosystem and food.

Below you will find a series of experiences - for all audiences - designed to bring you a little closer to the earth and give you a more global view of:

We hope you find the perfect excuse to have one or more experiences with us! Check out the list below and take your pick! And if you have any suggestions, contact us at lí

In agriculture we would like to see more people and fewer machines; more biodiversity and less pesticides.

Operation regeneration

What must be done to regenerate the soil? What does it mean to work ecologically? Why is biodiversity and ecosystem balance important? All this and more, you will discover during the informational tour on our farm, which will bring back the bond we have with the land.

Click here to discover the activity!


Certainly you know that olive oil is the juice from the olives, but do you know the difference between extra virgin olive oil and conventional olive oil? Dive into the world of oil and test your nose and taste buds in a 100% sensory experience

Click here to discover the activity!


When Nature, Art and Culture are combined, the perfect symbiosis that we look for at Lligams Orgànics is created: to strengthen the link between the land, people and their food. That is why we propose a series of activities, so that you can immerse yourself in an oasis of relaxation and cultural enrichment, from the land and with the land.

Click here to see the schedule of activities!

From the classroom to the field

Especially for schools that want to make the classroom walls disappear and exchange them for open air, rows of trees, flowers, insects, movement and learning about the ecosystem. Because not everything is learned behind a desk!

Click here and find out how to have a class on the field!

From the field to the classroom

From time to time we also like to visit your school and test you with games and activities about agriculture, being a farmer, organic products... We know that students nowadays are very eager to make a better world, in balance with nature and that's why we'd like to share some insights with you!

Click here and tell us when you would like us to come!

It's the season of...

going to the olive grove, picking almonds, planting or harvesting calçots, sowing, reaping... If you want to experience first-hand the origin and the working process of the products you eat, we open the doors for you to come and discover it with us. We will explain our way of working, how our farms are structured, you will participate in the harvest and taste some of our products.

Click here to see the seasonal activities!

Do you have any questions or simply want to propose an activity? Contact us!


Tel. / Whatsapp Lligams Orgànics: 679 92 61 40 

Tel. Experiences on the field: 608 83 52 13

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @lligamsorganics